300 ABBEY A building or buildings where monks ornuns live a religious life. ABJURE To renounce ABSOLUTION Forgiveness ACCOLADE A ceremony which marks the conferring of knighthood. ACHROMATIC Without color or hue. ALIBI A claim or proof that one was not present when a crime was committed. ALLEMANDE A court dance popular in France duringthe 17th and 18th centuries. ALLIACEOUS Resembling garlic or onion. AMBASSADOR A person in the government sent on a diplomatic mission to a foreign land. ANDIRON Either of two metal supports used for holding wood in a fireplace. ANTIPATHY Aversion or dislike. APHORISM A concise saying full of meaning. APLOMB Self-assurance; poise. APOCRYPHAL Fictitious. APPRENTICE A person who works for a skilled worker in order to learn a trade. APPURTENANCES Appendages; adjuncts. ARABESQUE An ornamental design with fancy interlacing lines. ARCADE An arched passageway. ARCHAIC Antiquated ARCHIPELAGO A group of islands. ARCHITECT A person whose work is to design and draw plans for buildings. ARDENT Zealous, impassioned. ARDUOUS Difficult ARGOT A special vocabulary or dialect. ARIDITY Dryness AROMATIC Having a strong smell. ARTERIAL Having a channel of communication. ASHRAM The secluded dwelling of a Hindu sage. ASKANCE With a sideglance of disapproval ASTUTE Shrewd AUCTION A public sale at which things are soldto the person who bids the most money.AVID Eager, interested BANAL Commonplace BANISTER A railing along a staircase, and the posts that support this railing. BARD A singer BARRISTER An attorney BEDLAM Confusion, uproar BEGUINE A popular dance of the islands of Saint Lucia and Martinique. BENEFACTOR One who performs acts of kindness or charity. BONA FIDE Made in good faith without fraud or deceit. BORDEREAU A detailed note or memorandum. BOWER A shelter made of twined tree boughs or vines. BUNTING A thin cloth used primarily for makingflags and other patriotic decorations.BUTTRESS A support or prop. CACOPHONY Unpleasant or discordant sound. CAPTIOUS Faultfinding, tricky. CARNIVAL A festival of merrymaking often involving elaborate masquerading. CAROCHE A luxurious or stately carriage. CHARY Hesitant, cautious.